1. Symposium anlässlich des WWDOGA 2020 von The Bodyguards - der neuen internationalen Koalition
The Bodyguards wurde im Mai 2020 ins Leben gerufen und ist eine internationale Koalition, deren Ziel es ist, den Kampf gegen Genitalverstümmelung unabhängig vom Geschlecht der betroffenen Person zu verstärken und universell zu gestalten: weiblich, intersexuell, männlich oder transgender.
Genitalverstümmelungen sind auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet und haben ähnliche, wenn auch oft vergessene anthropologische Ursprünge. Deshalb scheint es nützlich, lokale oder auf ein Geschlecht fokussierte Initiativen zu stärken, indem Synergien zwischen allen Organisationen hergestellt werden, die den Wunsch teilen, diese Praktiken aufzugeben. Obwohl sich diese Praktiken trotz jahrzehntelanger Bemühungen teilweise kaum zurückbilden, erscheint es sinnvoll, bisherige Strategien zu reflektieren, damit jede*r von den Fortschritten des anderen* profitieren und man gleichzeitig eine hörbarere gemeinsame Position abbilden kann.
Wenn Sie dieser Koalition beitreten möchten, konsultieren Sie bitte die Statuten und kontaktieren Sie The Bodyguards unter dieser Adresse icasm.network@gmail.com. Hier ist die Liste der aktuellen Mitglieder.
Das 1. Symposium von The Bodyguards fand am 30. und 31. Mai 2020 online statt. Die Reihenfolge der Video-Präsentationen:
Saturday May 30
Circumcision is not reciprocal for penile hygiene
> video + presentation leaflet
Preputial Distinction
> video + presentation leaflet
Phimosis. New Insights
> video + presentation leaflet (Additional June 28 event)
M A Baky Fahmy - Emeritus Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Al Azher University, Cairo, Egypt
Some publications:
First illustrative textbook dealing with all aspects of the prepuce in male and female in normal status and in different diseases
Preventing suffering: the core of ethics
> video + presentation leaflet
Jonathan Leighton, PhD - Executive Director, Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS)
Some publications:
MOGiS presentation
> video + transcription + presentation leaflet
Victor Schiering - MOGiS (Germany)
Intaction presentation
> video + transcription + presentation leaflet
Anthony Losquadro - Intaction (USA)
Intakt Norden presentation
> video + presentation leaflet
Johan Nyman - Intakt Norden (Finland)
Global Strategy
> video + presentation leaflet
What is our major challenge in the medium term? Muslim circumcision. Faced with a global issue where intactivist organizations are politically weak, it is desirable to be part of a broad global alliance. In the path of compassion, an Appeal to open a public debate on the conditions for consent to circumcision is our advocacy strategy, in the prospect of forming lateral alliances with many other causes.
Guy Sinden & Marieke Silvere - Droit au Corps (Francophonie)
Squaring the circle
> video + transcription + presentation leaflet
David Smith - 15 Square (UK)
Intactivist Strategy
> video
How to Win the Game of Intactivism and End Circumcision.
Brendon Marotta - filmmaker, author, and public speaker
Foreskin Revolution - Thriving via collective intelligence and global partnerships
> video + presentation leaflet
Michael Winnel, leader of the Foreskin Revolution, presents on the journey that led to his destiny meeting core organisations that were to become the foundations of The Bodyguards.
Michael Winnel - Foreskin Revolution (Australasia)
Sunday May 31
Prepuce: The Skin Bank
> video (new recording June 28) + presentation leaflet
Amilal Bhat - Senior Professor and Head Dept of urology Principal and Controller JNU Hospital Jaipur, India - Researchgate & Sehat
Some publications:
Absence of Evidence is Not Evidence of Absence
> video + presentation leaflet
Jason Metters - Future Choices (UK)
Male circumcision is a crime and slander against Islam
> video + presentation leaflet
We believe that spreading awareness in the long term is the way to stop child abuse, and this will only be done by constructively and peacefully combining societal groups, based on human rights and human principles so that the child can have a healthy and intact body.
ختان الذكور جريمة وافتراء على الإسلام
Genital Autonomy Society presentation
> video + presentation leaflet
The Genital Autonomy Society website and database was developed with the vision of being a social network that did not have the problems of existing social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc.).
John Adkison - Genital Autonomy Society (USA)
Cockfight presentation
> video + presentation leaflet
Brett Johnson & Luke Artanis - Cockfight (USA)